Langdon College is a small specialist college, with a Jewish ethos, for young people with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND). Langdon College can provide education provision for young people aged 16-25.

Places are usually taken up at the start of the academic year.

By arrangement with the Principal of the College, places may be accessed at any time of the year where space is available and depending upon the application of the admissions criteria on the needs of the young person and other learners.

Each application to Langdon College is considered on an individual basis. In every case, our team evaluates the needs of the individual young person and determines whether the College can meet the special educational needs (SEN), provide the special educational provision (SEP) and meet the outcomes in the young person’s EHC Plan.

Applications to the College are processed by the Admissions Team and considered by our College Admission Panel.  The panel comprises:

  • The Principal
  • Assistant Principals
  • Curriculum managers
  • Any other professional staff required to support the admissions process.


Responses to consultations for a college place are determined by:

  • Consideration of the documentation received (i.e., draft or final EHC Plan, Annual Review reports, professional reports);
  • Observing the young person where a decision cannot be made on the documentation alone.
  • Offering an assessment for applications/consultations for our campus sites which may be at current school, at home or on campus as described below for a young person, where a decision cannot be made on documentation and observations.

Our observations and assessments for our campus sites should ideally be conducted in the young person’s current school or education placement first and then, if necessary, at Langdon College. Where this is not possible, individual arrangements can be made including assessment via a home visit or where appropriate a virtual assessment.