Independence and Work Skills learners will focus on developing their independence skills, communication, and interaction, focus and attention.

Learners will:

  • explore different employment opportunities through careers advice and guidance and by identifying skills, knowledge, and aspirations.
  • have a clear focus on independence skills through appropriate levels of support and robust targets which will have a clear focus on developing their independence in different environments and settings, and when interacting with less familiar people within the community.
  • receive appropriate levels of support within work placements, college routines and when out in the community.

Work skills will be addressed through practical sessions such as Enterprise, Horticulture and exploring work placement opportunities, as well as accessing Work Skills sessions, or completing NCFE Employability Skills qualification at the appropriate level.

Maths and English will be embedded throughout the curriculum, and for some learners’ accreditation will be completed.

Access to agreed levels of therapy input to reduce and barriers to learning and to provide functional strategies to support learners progress.